Gluing for a FTL around a form

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Joined:Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:36 pm
Gluing for a FTL around a form

Post by conductbri » Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:38 am

I am trying to glue together 4 people in the form of a diamond. I would like to do a follow the leader around the diamond and have the student end in the same positions they started. I can not get all 4 people to glue. I can only glue three of them. Anyone have any ideas how I can fix this so the follow the leader works correctly?

Joined:Thu May 03, 2007 2:59 pm
Location:Ann Arbor

Re: Gluing for a FTL around a form

Post by George » Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:47 pm

You cannot glue a form all the way around, because then you would not have a "leader" to lead.... if that makes sense.

But if you really can't in fact glue them together the way I illustrate in this post, then I'm not too sure what the issue would be.

You would need to do something like the following:

First you have your 4 positions like this:


You have to select them in a way where you connect them all like this, or similar... it does not have to be in this exact order:


When you click the Follow The Leader tool, you will see one of the end positions highlighted - this person will be the "leader":


If you want the leader to be the other end, you just click ON the highlighted position, and it will jump to the other end.


So, to make the FTL happen the way you're asking about, you have to click on the first corner you want it to go to... in this example, I'm going clockwise and clicking on the right corner:


Then you click on the next corner (bottom point, in my ex):


Then the next point (left corner):


Then to finish it off, this is just a little thing you have to do extra because you are ending the leader in a place that is already occupied by the leader. You first have to click somewhere off that point (it could be the way I placed it or anywhere...):


And finally, you click that point and drag it over to that point - release... it should look like this:


That should pretty much be all you need to do.

Just know that any form you glue, there will always have to be two end-points... meaning you cannot connect a form all the way around.
Pyware v10

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